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Over time, the paths have changed but the goal has always been the same.

An invitation to all people of all ages to explore aspects of their conscious and unconscious (subconscious) through holistic therapies. All Human Beings have different ways of feeling, understanding, and identifying problems. There are people who easily overcome obstacles in their lives and others who indulge in these difficulties, becoming resigned, giving rise to a physical and psychological bad in their lives.

All humans have different ways of identifying problems. There are people who easily overcome obstacles in their lives and others who indulge in those difficulties, resigning themselves, giving rise to a physical and psychological evil in their lives.


Much of this bad feeling comes from your childhood or adolescence, being hidden / asleep until you find the first difficulties that seem impossible to experience. In such situations, the individual needs to be helped to reread his life story, rediscovering new senses in him, allowing him to confidently project the path to his future.

Space ha! proposes develop the Human Being for a more pure and relaxed Being, thus combating stress and discomfort in the work environment, social and family. In a light and simplified way, where the individual will develop the right hemisphere of his brain, also developing his emotional intelligence.


Aimed at people of all ages and sexes, adapting the methodologies to the needs of blind, deaf and mute people, with some genetic disorders, such as trisomy, dyslexia and others.



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Estudos e Filosofia

Aulas teóricas sobre o Yoga, Filosofias e Terapias 

Pessoas durante a oficina


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Sala de terapia

Consulta de terapia individual Online e Presencial

Forest in Nature


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How Being Mindful Changes Our Lives

Em gratidão reconhecemos ser um pouco de todos os professores que conhecemos. 

#simplesmente #formadora #praticante

TyS - Helena

Professora de yoga certificada por Rishikesh Yoga Alliance (India); 

Terapia Dinâmicas de Som (Yoga & Som);

Fundadora e responsável ha!Terapias, desenvolvimento do SER através da Arte e do Som ;

Facilitadora e Terapeuta profissional de Massagem de Som (Peter Hess);

Formadora (F628705IEFP);

Formadora de Artes Psico Terapêuticas

Terapeuta de Reiki Mix pela associação Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai

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"Cada vez que entra em meditação, o autoconhecimento torna-se mais profundo e real."

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